Iconoclastic, why not go on a course of critical thinking? Scepticism is the best approach to assess information.
When you write something ask questions like; is this really true? Is there concrete evidence for this? Is the evidence from a reliable source? Are there arguments which would invalidate this statement? Is my argument internally coherent? Is that evidence falsifiable? If it's not, it's not worth being called evidence, a good example of an unfalsifiable statement is, "God is love", it is thereby rendered to be a mere assumption... on which nothing more can be built.
When dealing with theorems such as evolution we can ask; Does this statement, or mine, agree with the scientific method i.e peer reviewed by other scientists and does it have have the ability to be replicated to test for its truthfulness? For there is no better way of determining something as being true than the scientific method, unless you have found one?
You have many crossed threads in your post such as making evolution responsible for the cultural societies of Homo sapiens. If you want to make this link you have to demonstrate that evolution is true or false in the first place and then illustrate the connection. If you are trying to make a logical argument or statement you must remove personal bias and emotion from it.